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Help Sharon raise money

For participating in 21K de Montreal 2024

My Story…

I lost my loving father to Pancreatic Cancer in March 2023. He was a Cancer research officer who had devoted his life to finding cures along with his team at the National Research Organization of Canada. 
Now that he is gone, I'll be running the race on his behalf. I'd like to welcome others to join me in filling in where he left off in whatever way you can.
Join me in supporting the cause to help save lives (which may end up being your own or that of your loved ones)!

All donations made to my page will be channeled toward Pancreatic Cancer Canada.


We aren’t looking for sympathy. We’re looking for results. That means raising survival rates by funding research, as well as increasing awareness, education and patient support. We’ve invested nearly $4 million across Canada. Which means we’re on the cusp of a breakthrough in early detection, treatment and improving patient outcomes.

Donate now to help raise money for Pancreatic Cancer Canada to raise funds for critical research and awareness.

Nous ne recherchons pas de sympathie. Nous recherchons des résultats. Cela signifie augmenter les taux de survie en finançant la recherche, ainsi qu’en augmentant la sensibilisation, l’éducation et le soutien aux patients. Nous avons investi près de 4 millions de dollars partout au Canada. Cela signifie que nous sommes à l’aube d’une percée en matière de détection précoce, de traitement et d’amélioration des résultats pour les patients.

Faites un don maintenant pour aider à amasser des fonds pour Cancer du pancréas Canada afin de recueillir des fonds pour la recherche et la sensibilisation essentielles.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 18 Andrea Zwaagstra Dad will be running alongside you! So proud of you! $54.71
Apr 18 Souvenir Elementary School - Grade 1 $85.00
Apr 16 Souvenir Elementary School - Grade 1 $190.00
Apr 16 Anonymous Let’s get behind this. For so many people we NEED to find a cure or at least an effective treatment! Run Sharon, Run! Go for the gold! $269.66
Jan 30 Nick Zwaagstra I support this cause (je soutiens cette cause) & it’s personal remembering my brother $54.31