What is a Virtual 5K?
A virtual race is like any race except the people participating are in different places!
You can choose to RUN, JOG or WALK.
The race can happen on the road, a trail, on a treadmill, at the gym or a track.
Just sign up, decide on your course, make sure you’re physically ready, then time yourself while you complete your run/walk!
FOR VIRTUAL 5K PARTICIPANTS - those who wish to be eligible for timed awards must use the ASICS RunkeeperTM App OR a similar fitness tracker app to record your race and provide the recorded proof of your finish time as a photo when submitting your results. Download a fitness tracker app, hit record, complete race, take a photo of finished results, and upload the photo of your results when posting your finish time on Race Roster. Those who fail to follow these instructions will be deemed ineligible for awards.
Here are a few tips for a successful virtual race:
- Check the weather. You have a week to complete the race, so choose the day and time that best suits you.
- Remember to warm up, cool down and stretch!
- Fuel up properly by eating well before your run and have some healthy post-race food waiting for when you get back.
- Don't forget to hydrate! Since you won't have official race water stations you may want to carry some water with you or plan your route to include water fountains.
- Have fun!
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