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Raise money for Jamii

Jamii (Swahili for “community”) is an arts organization with the intent of enhancing togetherness with the communities we engage.

We initiate, welcome, enable, facilitate and produce creative experiences with, for and by the people of The Esplanade and beyond to create shared memories and to contribute to a healthier community. Since 2011, Jamii has produced over 250+ events, engaged more than 1500 people in creative processes, worked with over 300 artists, and reached 30,000+ audience members and 40,000+ exhibit viewers. Jamii receives funds from Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Toronto Arts Council, Metcalf Foundation, Charitable Gaming and Rama Gaming House.

Your efforts in supporting Jamii and our runners will directly impact you and your community! By reaching our shared goal of $20k, we will be able to sustain and bring more free arts programs. Your dollars will make a difference in LAINI Youth programs for girls and young women, Belonging Workshops for older adults, Indoor Activities & Workshops for all, and Outdoor Events in David Crombie Park.

Every dollar raised will enable our capacity to continue our community work and engage in programming for Esplanadians of all ages, abilities, and income levels.

Join in and make a difference today!


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recently Jamiified Supporters

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 26 Dad Good luck to the team! $2,147.86
Sep 25 Kingsley Good luck 👍🏾😎 Undisclosed amount
Sep 21 Rose/Mama GREAT JOB Felix and Sho for fundraising for this worthy cause... encouraging your JoyStride Running Club members to support and donate! $54.63
Sep 21 Divine Osunde Undisclosed amount
Sep 20 Rosa Soares $27.80
Sep 20 Rosa Soares $27.80
Sep 19 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 18 Michael Shapcott Go Iris! Go Omlette! Go Jamii!!! $108.31
Sep 02 Hilda Your programmes are wonderful. Thank you. $108.31
Sep 02 Michael Shapcott Phoebe sends her best to the two of you! $269.32