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Help us raise money

For participating in 2024 TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Our story…

Millions of people around the world have fled and continue to flee persecutions and violence in their home countries. This situation has become more dire in the wake of the economic crises around the world due to the remnants of the COVID-19 pandemic and the many current conflicts and instabilities in parts of the world. The best solution for a refugee is to be able to go home without fear. The UN says that the next best solution is local integration in their country of first asylum, with a chance to live their lives with full enjoyment of their human rights. When neither option is available, a new beginning through resettlement in countries like Canada offers a durable solution and hope for a new life.

Since 1991, the Holy Trinity Refugee Committee has sought to answer the call to Welcome Strangers by sponsoring and supporting refugees in their resettlement in Toronto. To date, the committee has sponsored over 140 refugees fleeing persecution and violence in Afghanistan, Burundi, Cambodia, Colombia, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Kosovo, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, and Sudan. 

For the seventh time, we are participating in the Charity Challenge, also known as the Toronto Waterfront Marathon to raise funds to be able to continue welcoming refugees and their families to Toronto and provide them with both financial and moral support during their first year here.

We will be participating in the in-Person activities and we invite you to join us or support us in the TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon on October 19th, 2024.

Committee Members

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 08 Marjorie Welcome, Sina. I'm glad you're here! Thank you for participating in the walk to support the Holy Trinity Refugee Committee. $108.31
Oct 08 Anonymous Good work! $54.63
Oct 08 Brian Wilson Wishing you all the best Jim. $27.80
Oct 07 Pat McCarthy How wonderful to be with your family $54.63
Oct 07 James $161.98
Oct 07 Geneviève Undisclosed amount
Oct 07 Netty Kruger Way to go Jo! Wonderful cause by a wonderful person. $54.63
Oct 07 Anonymous $100.00
Oct 07 Rebecca Houston Welcome Sina and I wish you a safe and happy life here in Canada with your family! Undisclosed amount
Oct 07 Anonymous $50.00