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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2024 ASICS Falmouth Road Race


The mission of the Lupus Foundation is to educate and support people with lupus, promote awareness and fund scientific research that will lead to better treatments and ultimately a cure.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 21 Mom & Dad So proud of you Tay -- run baby run!! $218.85
May 21 Jennifer Whitney Go Taylor! a great honor for your Nana. Jen $109.85
May 21 $100.00 Go Taylor. We wish you well in the race and for such a great cause! Uncle Rich and Jini $109.85
May 21 Patti Barrett Your Nana was my favorite Aunt back in the day! She was the coolest. ❤️ Run fast. $109.85
May 21 Delaney Funk Delaney, run for my dear friend Charlotte. I am praying for a good run.. $55.35
May 21 Kevin, Alexa, Lucas & Evi Coye Go Taylor! We love the FRR, Aunt Ann, and YOU! See you at the finish line. :-) $109.85
May 21 Robin Seifred $55.35
May 21 The Gardella Family "Incomparable" is the perfect word for her Taylor. So many great times. Good luck in the race! $109.85
May 21 Dave and Amy Good luck, Delaney! Don’t eat any oranges on mile 6! 😉 $109.85
May 20 Dyl 🏃🏽‍♂️❤️ $50.00