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VJH Foundation

Raise money for VJH Foundation

Vernon Jubilee Hospital Foundation funds more than 50 areas of care throughout VJH and Interior Health-managed facilities in the North Okanagan.  Your donation to our general fund ensures your gift goes to the most urgently-needed equipment and programs to best serve residents in the North Okanagan.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
May 31 Michael & Amy Leutenegger CA$214.54
May 31 Amy Sousa CA$27.60
May 31 Sarah Bradbury CA$27.60
May 31 Robin :) CA$107.72
May 31 Olivia Such an inspiring and beautiful thing to be doing. Congratulations on your month of marathons and thank you for representing such a cause. CA$107.72
May 31 Charmaine and George Frame CA$1,500.00
May 31 The Marshall Family So inspired by your commitment to give back to the community! Good thing you burned the boats. Bring it home. CA$214.54
May 31 Strahl Family Final marathon (for now)! So inspired by your commitment to give back. I’m so proud of you. Thanks for keeping Mom’s story going. CA$267.96
May 31 Debbie and Kelly Meyer Way to go Oliver! You are an inspiring young man and our whole community is benefiting from hard work. CA$107.72
May 30 Leigh Brooker Thank you…. CA$107.72