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Help Kate raise money

For participating in 2024 Unified 5k

My Story…

I love this community. And I love this race in particular because it brings so many different kinds of people together. 

I have an injury that prevents me from running, but I am still able to be a part of the Unified 5k because I can participate in the rowing division. Please take a minute to read about AdaptX and why I love their mission. 

If you're able to donate that would be lovely, too.

(Clicking the links below will take you off of this page.)

Thanks for reading.

Donate to help Kate raise money for 2024 Unified 5k’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 03 Christy & Dave Kirk You’re awesome 🤩 $54.10
May 01 Aunt Pam Row row row your boat. Row fast KT $107.35
May 01 Jane O'Connor I'm so proud of you!!! $50.00
Apr 30 Anonymous You go Kate!! ❤️❤️T Undisclosed amount