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For participating in 2024 12th Annual 5K Walk for Recovery

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Our story…

We are walking in honor of John Andrew Mulryne (JAM) to celebrate his life and legacy. John was 30 years old when he passed from an accidental drug overdose. He was sober for almost a decade and in that time he helped many people find their sobriety as well. John was an infectious light to this world. He spent his time reading manga and fantasy novels, watching the Dallas Cowboys and other sports, playing video games and researching their lore. John loved so deeply, without bounds, and unapologetically. He was the most generous and giving person we have ever met. His dog Gyro was his best friend and companion in everything. We are lucky to have had John as part of our story and we know he would want us to continue to fight for those struggling with addiction. 

Help us raise money for Recovery Advocates of America

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 07 Chris Romano $27.48