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YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas

Raise money for YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas

At the Y, we strive to offer ways to develop a healthy lifestyle to all members of our community. Our offerings in this area range from nutrition, to recovery from illness, to learning how to be physically active; through programs designed for the whole family.


Youth Sports: $75 - $150

Sports are the starting point for many youths to learn about becoming and staying active, and developing healthy habits they’ll carry with them throughout their lives. 


Summer Learning Academies: $170

Summer learning loss can negatively impact students and cause them to struggle when they return to school in the Fall.


Summer Day Camp: $100 - $250

By sponsoring a child for Y Summer Camp, you are providing a safe place for a child to stay active, have fun, learn how to swim, and make new friends during the summer. 


Safety Around Water: $60

In Texas, drowning is the second leading cause of accidental death for children under 14. For every child who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency care for nonfatal submersion injuries. 


LiveStrong: $300 - $500

LiveStrong at the YMCA is designed to encourage cancer survivors to continue their fight, improve their overall health, and gain normalcy back into their daily lives.    

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 13 Luisa Ramirez Undisclosed amount
Sep 12 Veronica Moore $11.59
Sep 12 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 11 Nithin Sebastian $10.53
Sep 09 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 09 Erin Virola $22.28
Sep 07 Elizabeth Landeros Undisclosed amount