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Help Shannon raise money

For participating in Wellwood Walk/Run/Wheel

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My Story…

Please help me support an amazing cause. Wellwood has helped me through my cancer journey, creating a sense of community and a place where there is compassion and understanding. Wellwood has played a significant part of my life for the past 2 years, I would like to be able to give back to help others who are diagnosed with this awful disease. Thank you!

Donate to help Shannon raise money for Wellwood Walk/Run/Wheel’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 29 Dave Dolman CA$108.31
Aug 28 Lou and Sylvia Cerruti CA$108.31
Aug 28 Pat Nikita CA$54.63
Aug 28 Laura and Bernie CA$100.00
Aug 28 Albert Elkaim Good luck Shannon CA$54.63
Aug 28 Arlene Fraser CA$108.31
Aug 28 Anonymous Let’s go! CA$27.80