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Help Jane raise money

For participating in Wellwood Walk/Run/Wheel

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My Story…

September 1st marked my 25th year as Wellwood's Executive Director. I am so grateful for that gift. How did this become a quarter-century-long labour of love for clients and community? Well, that is something that everyone who has ever been involved with this remarkable place will understand. I could not be here, and Wellwood could not be what it is, without ALL of YOU. I couldn't simply stroll past this milestone without finding a way to honour the thousands of heroes with whom I have had the privilege of walking on their private cancer journeys. So, I am walking 225K by race day. I will take every step in honour of YOUR loved ones, and I will carry their names with me -- wearing previous race shirts, a different one on each outing -- sharing it all on social media along the way so you can "walk" along. I am walking for them -- for you -- for all who've travelled this path -- and for all who will. THANK YOU. Hope to see you on October 20!

Donate to help Jane raise money for Wellwood Walk/Run/Wheel’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 30 Lindsay Nooren I love you!!!!!!! So proud of you!!! Undisclosed amount
Aug 30 Lara Grunthal Congratulations Jane. You are truly inspiring!! All the Best Lara CA$108.31
Aug 30 Jane George Get better from having covid, get out of that back brace, and get yourself out there! CA$250.00