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Help Jane raise money

For participating in Wellwood Walk/Run/Wheel

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My Story…

My mother had a very rare form of cancer for 16 years, and she explored every avenue to keep living. The programs at Wellwood are exactly the kind of support that sustained her on her quest to live as long as she could.

I would be honoured by your support in providing the creative and life-sustaining programs that Wellwood creates and sustains. This one is for my sweet Mama, Anne Carruthers Allison, much loved and missed every day. And it for all the fighters out there, and the good people who do the crucial work at Wellwood each and every day. Huge thanks!

Donate to help Jane raise money for Wellwood Walk/Run/Wheel’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Sep 09 Lee Prokaska CA$54.63
Sep 08 Cheryl Sheridan CA$27.80
Sep 08 Melanie Kivell Love always to you Jane and your family CA$27.80
Sep 08 Amelda FitzPatrick As your lovely mother's, second youngest friend, I am honored to support you in her wonderful memory. Miss her so much. Hugs to you xo CA$27.80
Sep 08 Theresa FitzPatrick Wishing you success in the walk, Jane. Miss your Mamma too! Big hugs xo CA$27.80