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Save-A-Limb Fund

Raise money for Save-A-Limb Fund

One in 125 children is born with a limb deficiency and many others suffer from limb deformities. Some children undergo amputation because they do not have the resources to travel to a specialist and pay for limb lengthening or reconstruction surgery.

Over time, many people's joints wear down creating painful conditions that make simply walking to the door an excruciating task. Whether from degeneration, arthritis or injury, some people are unable to receive treatment because they cannot afford the cost of surgery or physical therapy. They are forced to alter their lives because of the pain, giving up many of the activities that previously brought them joy.

The Save-A-Limb Fund was established in 2001 and supports in the fight to save limbs from amputation and provide hip and knee replacements to patients in need both domestically and abroad. The fund also works to advance patient care through the research and the work of the physicians and staff of the Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics (RIAO) at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Click here to see the Save-A-Limb Fund brochure. The Save-A-Limb Fund is a program of Sinai Hospital, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 11 Julie Burkey Wishing all a successful race! Go RIAO!! $106.00
Sep 09 John E. Herzenberg, MD Go RIAO!!! $106.00
Sep 09 The Jabs Family For Brent - We love and miss you, always. $79.50
Sep 08 Mike and Deanna Sorry we cannot join you this year!! Go Aiden and Team Fire Dragons!! $106.00
Sep 08 Melissa & Mike Nelson Good luck Aiden and Team FireDragons!! $37.10
Sep 05 Glenda Wood $106.00
Aug 30 Clare M Zimmerman $53.00
Aug 26 Anonymous $26.50
Aug 23 Patty Wall $37.10
Aug 22 Anonymous Undisclosed amount