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The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County

Raise money for The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County

Founded to provide compassionate, clinical, end-of-life care, The Hospice of Windsor and Essex County has been caring for our community since 1979. Our Hospice believes in equitable access to care for all. We provide specialized wrap-around services to adults, children, and their caregivers in the setting of their choice – whether it be in our Residences or their homes. With only partial government funding, it has been through the generous support of our volunteers and our community that we have continued to provide memorable care, meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and their loved ones.

Our Hospice operates two residences, one located in Windsor and the second, our Erie Shores Campus, located in Leamington. With 12 patient suites at our Windsor Residence and 11 suites at our Erie Shores Residence, our Hospice offers a total of 23 palliative care beds to our Windsor-Essex community – all at no cost to our patients and their loved ones.

Our facilities offer 24-hour state-of-the-art palliative care provided in a home-like environment. The care in our homes is provided by specially trained medical care staff and volunteers. Each patient suite has a private washroom, pull-out bed, fridge, and fireplace. The public kitchen areas are managed by volunteers, who provide daily homemade meals to our residents. Our residences are an inviting and home-like space where families can visit freely without the worry of providing day-to-day care.

Residential care is offered to all individuals who …

  1. Have a prognosis of less than three months
  2. Have a Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) of 40 or less
  3. Recognize that resuscitation is not a service that we provide
  4. Understand that no extensive diagnostics or treatments are offered other than those required for symptom and pain management and comfort measures


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jul 18 Patrick Alpaugh $54.63
Jul 18 Frank&Brenda Chevalier Always in our hearts. Undisclosed amount
Jul 17 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 17 Shelly St. Louis Steps for Sue $27.80
Jul 17 Veronique Mandal In memory of a very special and beautiful mother, wife and friend. $161.98
Jul 17 Kathy & Frank Freeman In memory of our great friend Sue. $27.80
Jul 16 Anonymous $269.32
Jul 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 14 Maya Roumie Undisclosed amount
Jul 13 Rosa Toniolo Undisclosed amount