Sprint Canicross Class - Team Option
Groups of 3-5 people can enter this class as a TEAM and race for TEAM POINTS. So get your crew together and enjoy racing both as an individual AND as part of a team!
How does it Work?
Just like a standard cross-country running meet, your team's top 3 finishers count for points and the team with the LOWEST number of points wins! Your bottom 2 finishers are also super important! They can knock other people further down the rankings, increasing the other team's score!
How many can be on a team?
Minimum of 3 people
Maximum of 5 people
Does this change anything for my normal race?
No. The race will be run just like a normal canicross race with individual starts and seeding. Each member of your team will start at their assigned time and each member of your team will receive a finish time and placing.
Your top 3 finishers placings will be added together and the result will be your team's score. For example: if your top 3 place 2nd, 5th and 10th, your team's total points = 17
Lowest score wins!
Note: All individual team members remain eligible for individual awards as well.
Relay Team (canicross/scooter/bikejor)
A Relay is made up of 3 "legs". This is a 3-sport relay where each "leg" is made up of a different race class. In this case, the relay will consist of: canicross, scooter and bikejor.
How does it Work?
All canicross athletes will start together.
When your team's canicross athlete crosses the line at the beginning of the "changeover area", a teammate or handler, will take that team member's dog. The canicross athlete will then run through the changeover area and tag the scooter athlete by calmly handling their team to start.
When your team's scooter athlete crosses the line at the beginning of the "changeover area", a teammate or handler, will take that team member's dog and scooter. The scooter athlete will then run through the changeover area and tag the bikejor athlete by calmly handling their team to start.
When your team's bikejor athlete crosses the line at the beginning of the "changeover area", your team has completed the relay race!
The first bikejor team across the line wins!
How many can be on a team?
Minimum of 2 people
Maximum of 3 people
Must use 3 DIFFERENT dogs (one for each leg of the relay)
Can any dog enter this class?
As this class involves a mass or wave-style start and passing cannot be avoided during any leg of the class, all dogs must be able to start and pass cleanly, ignore other dogs and be under control while racing.
This is NOT a safe space for reactive, uncertain or extremely nervous dogs. Any dogs requiring extra space should NOT be entered in this class.
Duathlon (Canicross/Bikejor/Canicross)
A Duathlon is a relay made up of 3 "legs". In this case, the duathlon "legs" will consist of: canicross, bikejor and canicross.
How does it Work?
The first canicross athlete for each team will start together.
When your team's first canicross athlete crosses the line at the beginning of the "changeover area", a teammate or handler, will take their dog. The first canicross athlete will then run through the changeover area and tag the bikejor athlete by calmly handling their team to start.
When your team's bikejor athlete crosses the line at the beginning of the "changeover area", a teammate or handler, will take their dog and bike. The bikejor athlete will then run through the changeover area and tag the second canicross athlete by tapping them on the back.
When your team's second canicross athlete crosses the line at the beginning of the "changeover area", your team has completed the duathlon relay!
The first team to have their second canicross team cross the line wins!
How many can be on a team?
Minimum of 2 people
Maximum of 3 people
Must use 3 DIFFERENT dogs (one for each leg of the duathlon relay)
Can any dog enter this class?
As this class involves a mass or wave-style start and passing cannot be avoided during any leg of the class, all dogs must be able to start and pass cleanly, ignore other dogs and be under control while racing.
This is NOT a safe space for reactive, uncertain or extremely nervous dogs. Any dogs requiring extra space should NOT be entered in this class.