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Feeding of the 5k Raising funds For FERN (Food Exchange Resource Network) Food Bank

Raise money for Feeding of the 5k Raising funds For FERN (Food Exchange Resource Network) Food Bank

Fern Food Bank is in need of cash donations especially in these financial times. Please consider a donation in addition to your race entry for this worthy cause. If your family makes a donation of at least $100, you can have your family name on the shirts as a Family Sponsor. To have your name on the shirt, you must make your donation before shirts are printed on September 23rd. 

In support of the Feeding of the 5000 food drive, non-perishable food donations will also be accepted at packet pickup and race morning. Items needed include: whole grain and/or low-sugar cereals, canned meats, peanut or other nut butters, and boxed meals/sides (macaroni and cheese, skillet meals, potato dishes).

Feeding of the 5,000 is a community food drive that supports thousands of vulnerable families throughout Colorado. For the last 7 years we have raised nearly 100,000 pounds of food every year, but it is not enough. Please consider making a donation to buy a bag of groceries for a family that is having a hard time making ends meet.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 03 Test $6.18
Aug 25 Anonymous This is a test donation Undisclosed amount