Raise money for LUNGSTRONG
LUNGSTRONG® is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization founded in 2011 with the purpose of funding innovative lung cancer research so lung cancer is a treatable disease and no longer fatal.
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Nattie’s team
Raised: $606.63
MGH Lung Cancer
Raised: $376.60
Sarah's Squad
Raised: $369.26
Team Lupine
Raised: $369.25
Raised: $105.51
Newburyport Development
Raised: $105.50
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Scott MacDonald
Raised: $263.75
Sarah Craig
Raised: $79.13
Nathalie Mason
Raised: $52.75
Jamee Buchmayr
Raised: $26.38
Parker Schmidt
Raised: $26.38
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Feb 18 | S & G Gorman | $105.50 |
Feb 18 | Gen D. | $105.50 |
Feb 18 | David Legg | $105.50 |
Feb 18 | Lisa Wetenkamp | $105.50 |
Feb 18 | Anonymous | $263.75 |
Feb 16 | Dick Veid | Undisclosed amount |
Feb 13 | Louis Halle | $105.50 |
Feb 12 | Nathalie Mason | $105.50 |