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The Literacy Foundation

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Raise money for The Literacy Foundation

Literacy Foundation has put in place various resources to help children and adults develop and maintain their abilities to read and learn, to promote their well-being and their full participation in the society.

In Quebec, the situation is more than worrying; in fact, we are placed 10th among Canadian provinces and territories in terms of understanding written texts. 

Nearly 1 in 2 young people from a disadvantaged background do not complete their secondary education.

1 in 5 people, or 19% of the population, experiences major difficulty understanding and using written text.

Our objectives

1. Increase our support for the development and maintenance of the literacy skills of Quebecers

2. Increase the influence of the Literacy Foundation among the general public, ecosystem stakeholders and decision-makers

3. Strengthen the Foundation’s capacity to act   

Come run with us or make a donation to support the Foundation! 💙


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Mar 13 Isabelle Provost Bravo pour ton implication Caroline ! $54.71
Mar 09 Jacques Neatby Heureux de te soutenir dans cette course, tant que tu ne t'essouffles pas. La Fondation a besoin de toi ! ;-) $501.00
Mar 09 Anonymous Bravo pour tout ce que tu fais pour l’alphabétisation! Grace à ton implication, la vie de plusieurs personnes est changée! $54.71
Mar 07 Simon Dermarkar $50.00
Mar 07 Steven Garneau Bravo pour ton implication, Caroline ! $50.00
Mar 07 Anonymous Bonne chance Undisclosed amount
Mar 06 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Mar 06 Yves Demers Bravo pour relever ce beau défi ! La cause est bonne, excellent pour l'esprit d'équipe et la bonne forme physique !! $27.85
Mar 06 Mathieu Leclerc $27.85
Mar 05 Monique Lo Go Slimane! vas-y Capitaine et bravo pour le dévouement continu. Bonne course $215.92