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Parkinson Québec

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Raise money for Parkinson Québec

Parkinson Québec is the provincial reference organization that supports the 23,000 Quebecers living with Parkinson's disease and the 75,000 ca who support them. Parkinson's disease is the second most common degenerative neurological disease worldwide. Every day, seven Quebecers learn that they have this disease. According to expert projections, the number of cases in Quebec will increase by 40% by 2035. No treatment currently exists to stop or slow the progression of the disease. Available medications only relieve symptoms. Despite the scale of the phenomenon, Parkinson's disease remains little known to the general public. This is why Parkinson Québec will launch a vast provincial awareness campaign in April 2024 to contribute to research and prevention, and to better inform the population about this important health issue.

Parkinson Québec offers to people affected by Parkinson's disease and their caregivers information and education services adapted to their needs, such as the TAVIETM in motion program, webinars with experts, virtual exercise classes , an information guide on the disease and a logbook making it easier to manage medication intake. Parkinson Québec also defends the rights and interests of affected people with government authorities.

Finally, Parkinson Québec invests in research in order to promote the emergence of innovative treatments that will improve the quality of life of those affected and disseminates scientific progress to its community.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Mar 21 Steve et Annie Daniel, tu es une source d'inspiration et un modèle pour nous tous. J'admire ton courage, ta détermination et ta résilience. Tu m'inspires. Undisclosed amount
Mar 21 Samuel Glogowski $6.36
Mar 18 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Mar 18 Anonymous $25.00
Mar 13 Anonymous $6.36
Mar 13 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Mar 09 Lise Dallaire Allez de l'avant et regardez droit devant avec énergie et optimisme! Je suis à vos côtés...pas très loin. Undisclosed amount
Mar 08 David Doan $54.71
Mar 06 Isabelle Caron Bon courage et merci de nous inspirer! Avec Marie-Josée à vos côtés, je sais que vous êtes merveilleusement supporté! $108.45
Mar 05 Isabelle Champagne Engagement et détermination, je te reconnais tellement dans ces valeurs. J'accours avec mes trompettes pour t'encourager au 1/2 marathon. Undisclosed amount