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Huntington Society of Quebec

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The Huntington Society of Quebec (HSQ) is a non profit organization whose mission is to answer the needs of the quebec community affected by the Huntington Disease. By giving free services, the SHQ values the accompaniment of the sick persons and their families, by raising awareness to a large audience, the caregivers for this neurodegenerative disease and by participating actively to the research programs.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Mar 15 Élisabeth Bernatchez-Lavallée $5.00
Mar 04 Laurence Aubry-Roy Pour papa, qui a perdu trop de personnes chères à cause de cette maladie Undisclosed amount
Jan 23 Karine, Lydia, Billie J’embarque, je vais courir le dernier 100 mètres avec toi 😝 $108.45
Jan 22 Lyne, Daniel et Félix xox🫶🏻 Bravo Jade pour ton implication! On fait notre don en l’honneur de Momo,Sylvie, Lucie et Daniel et de tous les autres membres de la famille $269.66
Jan 20 Val Belle cause ! Bonne chance Jade xx $54.71
Jan 20 Isabelle Morin $108.45
Jan 04 Team work Undisclosed amount