Series details
Welcome to the 2024 season of Canaqua Sports Event,
featuring the
Canaqua Sports Open Water Swim Series
and the
Mudskipper SwimRun Challenge
The upcoming season is one of many firsts for the company as between our new events and the sponsors that we have brought on to the company, we are truly moving forward.
First events in the province of Quebec
We are very excited to be running 2 events in Quebec.
The St. Donat Open Water Swim and Swimrun Challenge. (registrations are open and coming in fast)
The Montreal SwimRun Challenge and Open Water Swim - OPENING SOON
First U.S. Events
Mudskipper Indiana I and II
Yes, Mudskipper is now in the United States.
Click on the link below
New National Sponsors and Partners
Swim Drink Fish
Sumarpo Wetsuits
Invest Hotels
New SwimRun Championship Event
Mudskipper Canadian Individual SwimRun Championships
August 18, 2024
Every great series needs a championship event. Come and join us for a day of great races featuring our first ever 30K swimrun.
for those of you who are looking for a longer open water swim, we are also running our longest open water swim of the season, the Parry Sound 15K Ultraswim.
JOIN US IN 2024 for a great season of events.
Swim, Drink Fish - Canadian Partner
Canaqua Sports is pleased to announce our Strategic Partnership with Swim, Drink, Fish Canada.
Swim Drink Fish Canada is a national charity focused on celebrating, restoring, and protecting all water bodies. Swim Drink Fish is making a local impact on waters across the county and beyond through its affiliate monitoring network, water literacy programs, investigative projects, and restoration projects. By signing up to support Swim Drink Fish in its fundraising efforts, you will be a part of a movement of people stepping up to ensure swimmable, drinkable, fishable water for all. For more details visit or reach out to
As a company, we support clean safe access to water, and our main goal is to bring more people into the water through our events. We support Swim, Drink, Fish and look forward to working with them now and in the future
Canaqua Sports is happy to announce Sumarpo Wetsuits as the sponsor of Canaqua Sports and our Open-Water Swim and SwimRun events.
Sumarpo carries a complete line of 100% eco-friendly wetsuits for both Open Water Swimming and SwimRun along with a full line-up of items designed to help you in your training and competition.
Check out Sumarpo's entire line-up by clicking on the link. You will be glad you did.
When ordering use Promo Code CANAQUA24
Sasamat Ice Cracker Open Water Swim and SwimRun Challenge Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Sasamat Ice Cracker 1.5K Open Water Swim
CA$85.00 -
Sasamat Ice Cracker 3.0 K Swim
CA$85.00 -
Mudskipper 6.5 K SwimRun Challenge Sasamat
CA$115.00 -
Mudskipper 13 K SwimRun Challenge Sasamat
WELLAND Open Water Swim and SwimRun Challenge Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
1.0K Swim
CA$85.00 -
3.0K Swim
CA$95.00 -
5.0 K Swim
CA$95.00 -
Mudskipper SwimRun Challenge - Welland
CA$105.00 -
Mudskipper SwimRun Challenge - Welland - 10K
Canaqua Sports Endurance Training - Toronto Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Training Programs by Canaqua Sports - Toronto - Open Water Swimming 1 X
CA$170.00 -
Training Programs by Canaqua Sports - Toronto - SwimRun 1 X
CA$170.00 -
Training Programs by Canaqua Sports - Toronto - Open Water Swimming - 3X
Mudskipper SwimRun - Pinawa Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Mudskipper Mini
CA$40.00 -
Mudskipper SwimRun Pinawa
Collingwood Terminals Open Water Swim and SwimRun Challenge Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
1.0K Swim
CA$85.00 -
3.0K Swim
CA$95.00 -
5.0 K Swim
CA$95.00 -
Mudskipper SwimRun Challenge - Collingwood
Parry Sound Open Water Swim and SwimRun Challenge Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
2.0 K Open Water Swim
CA$90.00 -
4.0K Open Water Swim
CA$90.00 -
Parry Sound Open Water Swim - 10K
CA$105.00 -
Mudskipper SwimRun Challenge - Parry Sound 10K
CA$110.00 -
Mudskipper SwimRun Challenge - Parry Sound 20K
CA$130.00 -
St. Donat Open Water Swim and SwimRun Challenge Closed
Mudskipper - St Donat - 10K
CA$110.00 -
Mudskipper - St Donat - 20K
CA$120.00 -
Mudskipper - St Donat - 20K Team Challenge
CA$120.00 -
St Donat Open Water Swim - 1K
CA$80.00 -
St Donat Open Water Swim - 3K
CA$90.00 -
St Donat Open Water Swim - 5K
Cavendish SwimRun Challenge Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Cavendish Mudskipper SwimRun Challenge
CA$110.00 -
Cavendish Mudskipper SwimRun Team Challenge
Canaqua Sports Mid-Summer Classic Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Mudskipper Mid-Summer SwimRun Challenge
CA$120.00 -
1k swim
CA$90.00 -
2.5k swim
CA$90.00 -
5k swim
CA$95.00 -
10k swim
Pinawa Multisport Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Wonder Tri Kids
(FREE) -
Free Spirit Triathlon - Olympic Distance
CA$100.00 -
Free Spirit Triathlon - Sprint
CA$100.00 -
Free Spirit Triathlon - Tri - a - Tri
CA$30.00 -
2.500 M Open Water Swim
CA$60.00 -
5.0K Open Water Swim
Mudskipper Canadian Individual SwimRun Championships and Parry Sound 15K Ultra Swim Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Mudskipper Canadian Individual SwimRun Championships
CA$185.00 -
Mudskipper Parry Sound 13.5K SwimRun
CA$165.00 -
Parry Sound 15K Ultra Swim
CA$135.00 -
Parry Sound 8K Open Water Swim
CA$115.00 -
Parry Sound 4K Open Water Swim
CA$95.00 -
Sioux Narrows Steelman and Open Water Swim Festival Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Sioux Narrows Steelman
CA$200.00 -
Half Iron Team
CA$200.00 -
Sioux Narrows Steelman - Relay
CA$300.00 -
Tara's Island
CA$60.00 -
Wonder Kids Harbour Swim
8K Swim
CA$200.00 -
Sioux Narrows Swim Festival
Welland Canal Open Water Swim Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
1k swim
CA$104.49 -
2.5k swim
CA$104.49 -
5k swim
CA$120.68 -
10k swim
CA$120.68 -
Mudskipper Welland
Sasamat Mudskipper SwimRun Challenge and Open Water Swim Closed
Prices are inclusive of mandatory charges, items, and fees
Sasamat Mudskipper SwimRun Challenge
CA$142.17 -
Sasamat Mudskipper Swimrun Challenge 10K
CA$120.60 -
1.0K Swim
CA$88.25 -
3.0K Swim
CA$99.04 -
5.0 K Swim
Contact information
- Event contact
- ian feldman
- Phone
- 4166173558