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Help us raise money

For participating in 2017 Bay Area Human Race

Our story…

$2500 challenge match! All funds raised will be matched dollar for dollar. Youth Leadership Institute ( works in communities where youth leaders and their adult allies come together to create positive social change. Over the past 25 years, YLI has worked with over 89,000 young people ages 12 to 26 in 220 communities nationally and internationally. YLI believes that these nontraditional youth leaders are the leaders that we need to develop to become the future decision makers, elected officials, government agencies and advocates that reflect the current and future demographic of America. Marin County Youth Commission is the political voice for young people. Commissioners conduct community-based research and launch advocacy campaigns in three key areas: educational equity, alcohol/drug prevention, and race equity. All funds raised by youth and staff will benefit the Youth Fund: a seed investment pool for youth with creative social justice ideas.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 08 Anonymous $25.00
May 08 Chelsea Moore $25.00
May 08 Zoevina Pariani Delgado You got this chica!!! $25.00
May 08 Anne Hershewe $50.00
May 08 Allan Tayag Always proud of you my inaanak/God-daughter/cousin! $25.00
May 08 Andrea & Ruby Dacoco $50.00
May 08 Stephanie Lamarre $50.00
May 06 lisa fagundes Go Patty and Beth! $50.00
May 06 Rubeena Qurashi Undisclosed amount
May 06 Yammilette Rodriguez Supporting youth work, voice and power! $50.00