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Help Eric raise money

For participating in 2021 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5K

My Story…

As many of you will know I have been on the board of North Shore Restorative Justice Society (NSRJ) for the last number of years. This is a non-profit charity that has been the sole provider of restorative justice services on the North Shore for over 20 years. You may have heard about “restorative justice” recently. Restorative justice is a unique yet well-historied way (with roots in many traditions, including those of Indigenous peoples) to address conflict and crime as well as build social and emotional skills that prevent conflict and crime in the first place. The three underlying values that form the foundation to this community-based approach are: 

Respect Responsibility Relationship 

Please help support me by clicking on the link below to make a secure and tax-deductible online donation:

Thanks in advance for sponsoring me! Eric

Donate to help Eric raise money for 2021 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5K’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 19 Bob A A very worthy cause we are happy to support our old friend Eric. $50.00
Jun 19 Deborah Reid $50.00
Jun 19 Joanne and Peter $50.00
Jun 17 Anonymous $50.00
Jun 15 Poul $100.00
Jun 15 Anthony Roper $200.00
Jun 15 Judy Killeen $100.00
Jun 14 Jennifer Brun Both people and communities are harmed by crime, and therefore both have a role to play in seeking a just outcome. Go Eric and NSRJS! $250.00
Jun 14 Anonymous I hope this helps, Eric. $50.00
Jun 14 Ruth and Jim Hanson Thank you, Eric, for your commitment and dedication to North Shore Restorative Justice. $100.00