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Help Bonita raise money

For participating in 2021 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5K

My Story…

Hello. I am a researcher at ICORD, a spinal cord research centre. I am a clinical biomechanist by training and work in orthopaedics. I love anything to do with the efficiency of movement and mobility whether is walking or wheeling.

I was also born with a rare spinal cord disease called Amyoplasia that affected the cells that send signals to my muscles. Thus, many muscles in my arms and the lower legs did not develop properly. Then when I was 29 I had a car accident that injured the nerves to my legs even more.  After that  I used a wheelchair for most of my mobility. I used to do a lot of cycling so the transition to wheeling has a lot of similarities but you need your arms instead. 

Join me on the 5km run/wheel or support with some funds to help the many with spinal cord impairments, to have the best quality of life, as I feel I do!


I'm helping people with spinal cord injury adjust, adapt, and thrive by fundraising for Spinal Cord Injury BC. Can you help us reach our team goal of raising $90,000?

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 30 Sandra Kuepfer You are an inspiration to all of us, Bonnie! $100.00
May 28 Jane Have fun you two! $50.00
May 27 Brenda niebuhr $50.00
May 27 Anonymous $25.00
Apr 20 Johanne Mattie $50.00
Apr 16 Bonita Sawatzky Undisclosed amount