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Help us raise money

For participating in 2021 Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon & 5K

Our story…

Thank you for visiting our page and showing support for AutismBC. We believe information and resources are key to our community :)


Join our team and help raise funds for AutismBC to support the autism community in BC!

In British Columbia, 1 in 40 children has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis and there are approximately 60,000 children, youth, and adults on the spectrum.

AutismBC is a small, non-profit and registered charity that encourages the inclusion and acceptance of the entire autism community. We are a tight-knit and nimble organization that values the lived experience of our team and members. We prioritize listening to our members and making decisions that reflect their needs and wants.  We are a grassroots organization founded in 1975 to support people on the autism spectrum and their families. Since our humble beginnings, we have grown to become one of the most trusted non-profit organizations for autism in BC. We continue to support autistic individuals by providing parents and communities with knowledge and by engaging with people on the autism spectrum to create stronger, more diverse communities. 

Create your own peer-to-peer fundraising page where you can tell your personal story and ask for support. Join our team on run day or run, walk, roll, or ride anywhere in BC on your own route between June 2 & July 5. 100% of what you raise goes to AutismBC to fund programs. 

When you sign up for the Charity Challenge for AutismBC they'll keep you motivated with weekly email fitness tips, fundraising ideas, and additional prizes for top fundraisers! In addition to the marathon organizer packages, when you raise $100 you will receive a $10 gift card from AutismBC!     

Let's get moving!

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jun 03 Jonathan Lee $50.00
May 20 Sophie Zhang Hi: Stella, Thank you for supporting children with autism. My son also has Autism. $50.00
May 18 The Richter Family Thank you for running to support AutismBC, and for everything you do to support our families! $100.00
May 18 Jean Tsang Have fun on your virtual run Stella! $100.00
May 17 Diane Washington Thank you, Stella, for all your efforts to support those on the spectrum and their caregivers. $50.00
May 17 Candace Mann It takes a village and thank goodness for this village $50.00
May 16 Justine Simmons Thank you for supporting my daughter and many other amazing children with autism. $50.00
May 15 Anonymous Thank you Stella and Autism BC for helping educate me through my daughter's recent autism diagnosis. $25.00
May 14 Deo and Dale Santos $50.00
May 14 Wendy You $100.00