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Help us raise money

For participating in Tamarack Ottawa Virtual Race Weekend 2021

Our story…

Thank you for donating! Please attribute the donation to any of our team members. Run Ottawa has prize money available to teams with the highest average funds raised among team members, the most donated and the most team members. Goal of $ 5500 reduced due to raising $1585 separately!


CC4Affrica promeut l'éducation et la santé des femmes et des enfants affligés par le conflit au Burundi et en RDC. Nous sommes les seuls bailleurs de fonds pour environ 80 garçons et filles qui vivaient auparavant dans la rue à Gitega, au Burundi. Chaque dollar que nous récoltons servira à payer pour les fournitures scolaires, les uniformes, les repas nutritifs et les activités des enfants (5 500 dollars canadiens par semestre). L'avenir de l'Afrique réside dans l'éducation des jeunes Africains qui s'engagent à rendre leurs communautés plus fortes. Pour plus de renseignements, visiter le site 

CC4Africa promotes education and health among women and children affected by conflict in Burundi and the DRC. We are the sole funders for about 80 boys and girls who were previously street-living in Gitega, Burundi. Every dollar that we raise will go towards school supplies, uniforms, nutritional meals and activities for the children ($5,500 CAD per semester). The future of Africa lies in the education of young Africans who are committed to making their communities stronger. Find out more at    

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 24 Corbould Consultants A great cause and awesome work done by a group of young new members who are renewing our energy and focus. Undisclosed amount
Apr 24 Sean Stevenson $25.00
Apr 22 Julie McBrien Undisclosed amount
Apr 15 Mark Comerford Undisclosed amount
Apr 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 14 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 10 Monique $25.00
Apr 10 Dave Undisclosed amount
Apr 10 CC4Afirca Shawna Lee is my favourite!! Undisclosed amount