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Raise Money for ONERUN

ONERUN supports cancer patients and their families by providing funding to Wellspring London and Childcan. Both of these organizations provide programs that assist with the financial and emotional challenges associated with cancer. 

When you donate to ONERUN, you are helping hundreds of families in our community and throughout the province of Ontario.

*PLEASE NOTE by adding the optional Race Roster processing fee, ONERUN is receiving 100% of your generous donation.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Apr 06 Hope Undisclosed amount
Apr 06 Brooke Walker $27.80
Apr 06 CINDY FISHER BAILEY i do not like green eggs but Sam i do not like Cancer more $43.90
Apr 06 Loredana Wainwright Sam! I Am! XOXO Way to go girl XOXO $43.90
Apr 06 Elaine and Mark Clemens Love the team name. Sam you are an amazing young woman!!! $54.63
Apr 06 Jenna Daum $27.80
Apr 06 Jill and Jason Way to go green eggs and Sam!! Undisclosed amount
Apr 06 John and Cheryl Cook You are an inspiration Sam! Undisclosed amount
Apr 06 Ryan White $27.80
Apr 06 Ryan White $27.80