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Shaarei Tefillah

Raise money for Shaarei Tefillah

At STC, we have our eyes set on the future, so put on your sneakers, tie up those laces... It's time for our 2nd annual STC/Yorkville 5k! Whether virtual or in person...let's get moving!

This run is not only about getting active, but more importantly about investing in our "Running Back to STC" post COVID campaign. With plans for the year ahead underway, we are excited
to hit the new year running.

But we need your help! Our goal this year is to raise $36,000 as a community and for our community - and we can't do it without you. So come along for the race!

Join the Rabbi, Rebbetzin and the other dedicated runners on the run, or if running isn't your thing, support our amazing runners as they make great things happen.


Click on a team below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Jul 01 Kyle, Marli & Max Lichtman CA$191.19
Jul 01 Anonymous Yishar koach Rafi! Thank you for all that you do. Undisclosed amount
Jun 30 Avraham & Carol Kubayov GO HOWARD GO!!!! YAAAAY HOWARD!!!! CA$127.46
Jun 30 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jun 30 Cheri Glina and Yuval Hason Always happy to support you in all you do! xoxo Undisclosed amount
Jun 29 Ari and Stephanie Greenwald CA$180.00
Jun 29 David & Glynnis Louis All the best CA$114.71
Jun 28 Jessica Davis Undisclosed amount
Jun 28 Marcia Zionce Go for it and win the jacket for Shira! CA$38.24
Jun 28 Pete & Stella Ekstein CA$382.37