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pour notre participation à l’événement 21K de Montreal 2022


Notre histoire…


Huntington’s disease (HD) is a rare hereditary neurodegenerative disease that manifests in a range of physical (poor coordination, involuntary movement, etc.), cognitive (difficulty with focus, planning, etc.) and emotional symptoms (depression, anger bursts, obsessive behaviours). Symptoms progress slowly over the course of 10 – 25 years to the point that affected persons require 24-hour assistance. Currently, no treatment is available to slow down the disease progression despite amazing efforts by scientists in recent years.

In the absence of effective treatments, emotional and psychological support is extremely important for families who are affected by HD. Société Huntington du Québec (SHQ) supports HD families by providing activities and counselling for the patients and families. Please support our cause.

Membres de l’équipe

Cliquez sur un des membres de l’équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Apr 11 Junko Ariyama 86,96 $
Apr 11 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Apr 11 Anonyme Montant non divulgué
Apr 11 Anonyme 54,71 $
Apr 11 Paul Fortin Good luck to all in the run! 108,45 $
Apr 11 Skillpad Canada Inc. Great annual event! 1 000,00 $
Apr 11 Caroline Joly 22,47 $
Apr 11 Melanie Great initiative :) Montant non divulgué
Apr 11 Paul Michel Félicitations Nathalie pour ton implication pour cette cause 54,71 $
Apr 10 David Millette Bonne course! 200,00 $