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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race



We are proud to once again be a premiere non-profit in the prestigious Falmouth Road Race - an event that is so important to us that helps tremendously in advancing our critical ALS research while providing essential equipment to individuals living with the disease now.  

Whether you are joining our team or supporting us with a donation, THANK YOU for helping us make a tremendous impact! 


We love our in-person runners and we equally love our participants who elect to complete their 7 miles in the way and in the place of their choosing from afar!  Where and how will you do your 7 miles? That's entirely up to you, if you'd like it to be!  We're happy to have you from afar and we hope you know that your support means the world to us and to all impacted by ALS!


ALS ONE is a partnership of world-leading ALS researchers, doctors, and care practitioners focused on finding treatments for ALS and novel approaches to improve care for those battling the disease now. The unprecedented linking of minds and resources from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS), ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI), and Compassionate Care ALS (CCALS), is unique for its leadership in efficiency, dedication to innovative research, and commitment to increasing access to care and treatment. 

ONE TEAM: Dr. Merit Cudkowicz, MD, MScDirector of the Sean M. Healey & AMG Center for ALS, Chief of Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH); Dr. Robert Brown Jr., MD, DPhil, Chief of Neurology, UMass Medical School & Center; Dr. James Berry, MD, Co-Director of the MGH Neuromuscular Division and of The Healey Center for ALS at MGH; Dr. Sabrina Paganoni, MD, PhD., also of The Healey Center for ALS at MGH; Ron Hoffman, Founder and Director Compassionate Care ALS (CCALS). and Fernando Vieira, MD, Chief Science Officer, & CEO at ALS Therapy Development Institute.

WATCH: Please take a moment to be inspired by this video of how ALS ONE came to be: 

CHECKS: If you would prefer to mail a check in support of one of our runners, please make out to ALS ONE and send  to: ALS ONE: 8 Industrial Way, Whitman, MA 02382.  Please include the runner's name in the memo portion of the check.

CONTACT ALS ONE | 781-523-3304

ALS ONE is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization (47-4984263) and your donation is fully tax-deductible.

VISIT our website at:  

THANK YOU from the bottom of our green arrow on our logo, and the bottom of our hearts for supporting our team and our mission! 

YOU are truly making a difference!!


Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

A big THANK YOU to all who have donated so far!

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Feb 21 Stacey Raffi Let’s get that cure!!! Sending you all love and prayers! Stacey Raffi and family $109.85
Feb 21 Carrie Boutwell We are rooting for you Shay and your dad, John Bailey! ❤️ $109.85
Feb 21 Anonymous Shayna, good luck with your race! I didn't know about your dad's diagnosis. I hope he's doing okay. Hugs to you. Julia Varriale Undisclosed amount
Feb 21 The Tocco's Good Luck Shayna! Love, The Tocco's $109.85
Feb 21 Jen and family Your Dad is so strong and Inlove that you are running for him! $109.85
Feb 21 John Ferraro $109.85
Feb 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Feb 18 Heather Bolint Sending you all the best! $28.10
Feb 16 Hilary Adler $55.35
Feb 15 Anonymous Undisclosed amount