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Aidez-nous à recueillir des fonds

pour notre participation à l’événement 21K de Montreal 2023


Notre histoire…

The CVIS Patient Fund  helps to support patients in need. Many of our patients live below the poverty line, their suffering made worse by the pandemic and the toll of rising inflation. The  number of asylum seekers we care for has also grown astronomically over the past year placing even more pressure on social supports and services. Furthermore, since the beginning of the global crisis, many of our patients have been employed as patient attendants, cleaners, factory workers, store clerks and other high-risk essential service jobs. We owe them a debt of gratitude.

This year we want to beat our amazing fund raising effort of 2022. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to purchase gift cards for grocery stores and pharmacies.  With your support, our team will ensure that the most vulnerable benefit from your generosity.  All proceeds will go directly to the patients. There will be no administrative costs.

The MUHC Foundation will issue a tax receipt for donations of $15 or more.

Team CVIS Thanks you for your support!

Membres de l’équipe

Cliquez sur un des membres de l’équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Apr 15 Nigina 108,45 $
Apr 14 Marian & Andreas 108,45 $
Apr 14 Anna Scarola Montant non divulgué
Apr 14 Anonyme 54,71 $
Apr 13 Ida Lijoi 54,71 $
Apr 13 Joyce Carestia You have my support! Go Lina!! 54,71 $
Apr 13 Anonyme 54,71 $
Apr 13 Wendy Gokool Great cause!! Hope your team meets the $10K objective!!! 108,45 $
Apr 13 Nadine Kronfli Go Team CVIS!!!!!! All in the name of our patients!!! 269,66 $
Apr 13 Sapha Barkati Merci pour votre dévouement!!! 269,66 $