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Help Kate raise money

For participating in 21K de Montreal 2024

My Story…

Hey Everyone!

I'm doing a 5k in support of Human Rights Education.

Please consider supporting me in this endeavour❤️

Equitas believes that human rights education is a driving force for strengthening communities and supporting vulnerable groups, in Canada and around the world.   For more than 55 years, our inclusive programs have raised awareness, changed attitudes, and elevated communities to promote equity and counter discrimination. 

By donating to Equitas, you would be supporting the empowerment of women, children and youth, LGBTQ2I communities, and human right defenders so that they can protect and claim their rights. 

Every little bit counts! Thank you so much for supporting human rights education and Equitas.


Equitas croit que l'éducation aux droits humains est une force motrice pour renforcer les communautés et soutenir les groupes vulnérables, au Canada et dans le monde.   Depuis plus de 55 ans, nos programmes inclusifs ont sensibilisé les gens, changé les attitudes et élevé les communautés pour promouvoir l'équité et contrer la discrimination.


En faisant un don à Equitas, vous soutiendrez l'autonomisation des femmes, des enfants et des jeunes, des communautés LGBTQ2I et des défenseurs des droits de la personne afin qu'ils puissent protéger et revendiquer leurs droits. 


Chaque petit geste compte ! Merci beaucoup de soutenir l'éducation aux droits humains et Equitas.


Equitas believes that human rights education is a driving force for strengthening communities and supporting vulnerable groups, in Canada and around the world.   For more than 55 years, our inclusive programs have raised awareness, changed attitudes, and elevated communities to promote equity and counter discrimination.


By donating to Equitas, you would be supporting the empowerment of women, children and youth, LGBTQ2I communities, and human right defenders so that they can protect and claim their rights. 


Every little bit counts! Thank you so much for supporting human rights education and Equitas.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Apr 13 Kelly McManus $27.85
Apr 11 Jaime You go mama! $54.71
Apr 10 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Apr 08 Carlin You got this girl! You go!!!! $108.45
Apr 06 Chris P. $50.00
Apr 03 Odette Thank you Kate for your commitment to Equitas $27.85
Apr 02 David Khan $54.71
Mar 31 June and Nitai Run Kate run. $194.43
Mar 26 Eric Angen $54.71
Mar 25 Anonymous Undisclosed amount