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pour notre participation à l’événement Marathon Beneva de Montréal - Édition 2024


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Notre histoire…

Team Ratatouille Support of Alexandrine Doyon's Fight against Breast Cancer

As Capitaine of Team Ratatouille, 2023 has been nothing but a rollercoaster of emotions. With losing my Aunt, Culya to Lung Cancer in March and having my girlfriend, Alexandrine diagnosed with breast cancer in October, we can officially say that this disease has taken a significant part of our lives. As a caring boyfriend, father and friend, my support to this battle is strong minded and to ready for all the challenges this fight can incur. I am making a lifetime commitment into helping fight this disease in which ever way I can, starting with this 10km Run. This will be my first 10km of many. But most importantly, surrounded by many awesome individuals hat are running for this cause and much more. Your Fight Is Our Fight

Membres de l’équipe

Cliquez sur un des membres de l’équipe ci-dessous pour faire un don.

Donateurs récents

Date du don Nom du donateur Montant du don
Apr 21 Anonyme Love you Alexe🩷 54,71 $
Apr 20 Jessica Senécal Je suis de tout cœur avec toi ma belle Alex! 💜 27,85 $
Apr 19 Marc blondin Bonne chance et on lâche pas 27,85 $
Apr 18 Ronald Zinn 25,00 $
Apr 18 Ronald Zinn 25,00 $
Apr 18 Camelia Frihi 25,00 $
Apr 18 Marianne Simard You go girl! Such an inspiration! Hope to catch up soon (L) 54,71 $
Apr 18 Ratatouille Force à toi. Hâte de te revoir 😘 108,45 $
Apr 18 Alexandrine Doyon Montant non divulgué
Apr 17 Francis Lanthier 100,00 $