Raise money for First Serve
First Serve is an annual day of service that unites over 500 volunteers from the greater Akron area to work on various projects in the North Hill community. The funds raised will be used to purchase supplies for these projects, which are undertaken in collaboration with partner organizations, non-profits, and Akron Public Schools in North Hill.
First Serve supports the ongoing efforts of these organizations while providing volunteers with meaningful opportunities to engage with the neighborhood. By fostering connections among individuals and organizations from diverse cultural, ethnic, faith, and economic backgrounds, First Serve helps to build a stronger, more inclusive community.
As a Blue Line Charity, every dollar raised for First Serve will be reinvested directly into Akron. This initiative is truly a win-win for everyone involved!
Click on a team below to make a donation.
Faiths for First Serve
Raised: $9,533.27
The Rolling Hills
Raised: $3,879.95
Amazing Glazed
Raised: $2,321.31
Chop Chop Lollipop
Raised: $2,148.55
Jogging with JC
Raised: $2,044.43
Take 5
Raised: $965.36
Quads Of Fury
Raised: $947.47
First Serve Swifties
Raised: $682.50
Le(g)s Miserables
Raised: $431.76
Dude Perfect
Raised: $368.47
Click on an individual below to make a donation.
Peter Wiley
Raised: $8,860.23
Jay Hill
Raised: $1,889.63
Carrie Hill
Raised: $1,238.83
Erika Federmann
Raised: $1,231.24
Jonathan Dodson
Raised: $1,043.02
Adrienne Hester
Raised: $1,033.83
Callie Baylor
Raised: $713.87
David Stanley
Raised: $639.70
Karen Downing
Raised: $624.39
Alison Burell
Raised: $594.73
Liz Teed
Raised: $591.37
Alice Sloan
Raised: $587.11
Karen Farkas
Raised: $395.66
Jillian Wimer
Raised: $377.33
Josh Brown
Raised: $347.38
Amy Baldwin
Raised: $336.36
Claudia Wimer
Raised: $334.52
Brit Seifert
Raised: $268.47
Tiffany Matthews
Raised: $265.12
Sarah Wiley
Raised: $215.88
Nicole Roberts
Raised: $190.05
Emily Donaldson
Raised: $162.37
Charlotte Hill
Raised: $150.00
Kevin George
Raised: $142.80
Kathryn Buzard
Raised: $107.94
Meredith Coy
Raised: $107.94
Dylan Schlabach
Raised: $107.94
Joshua Schlabach
Raised: $107.94
Donald Molten
Raised: $107.94
Brad Baldwin
Raised: $107.94
elisabeth loring
Raised: $87.45
Mariah George
Raised: $77.67
Emily Wanders
Raised: $66.05
Susan Kowalske
Raised: $66.05
Ahmad Jadallah
Raised: $54.43
Emily Sutton
Raised: $54.43
Nicholas Chiorian
Raised: $54.43
John Kuss
Raised: $54.43
Peter Anderson
Raised: $54.43
Aubrey Hill
Raised: $50.00
Tom Reynolds
Raised: $43.73
Jeffrey Coy
Raised: $22.32
Recent donors
Date | Name | Amount |
Sep 26 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 26 | Jim and Phyllis Knauf | $54.43 |
Sep 26 | Ed B. | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 26 | Anonymous | Undisclosed amount |
Sep 26 | Peter & Sue Loal | $107.94 |
Sep 26 | Stephen Bain | $268.47 |
Sep 26 | Greg Teed | $268.47 |
Sep 26 | The Lipczynski Family | $54.43 |
Sep 26 | Becky Weihe | $107.94 |
Sep 26 | Inger and Joe | $107.94 |