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Help Jane raise money

For participating in Wellwood Walk/Run/Wheel

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My Story…

September 1st marked my 25th year as Wellwood's Executive Director. I am so grateful for that gift. How did this become a quarter-century-long labour of love for clients and community? Well, that is something that everyone who has ever been involved with this remarkable place will understand. I could not be here, and Wellwood could not be what it is, without ALL of YOU. I couldn't simply stroll past this milestone without finding a way to honour the thousands of heroes with whom I have had the privilege of walking on their private cancer journeys. So, I am walking 225K by race day. I will take every step in honour of YOUR loved ones, and I will carry their names with me -- wearing previous race shirts, a different one on each outing -- sharing it all on social media along the way so you can "walk" along. I am walking for them -- for you -- for all who've travelled this path -- and for all who will. THANK YOU. Hope to see you on October 20!

Donate to help Jane raise money for Wellwood Walk/Run/Wheel’s fundraising campaign.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 10 Anonymous Hi Jane I have been following your journey with awe. December will make 10 years of Stephen's passing. Warmest wishes Sherri Michell Undisclosed amount
Oct 09 Ed & Angela Hall Memory of our loved ones xo Undisclosed amount
Oct 09 Kari & Terry CA$30.00
Oct 08 Helga Kuhn CA$100.00
Oct 07 Kim Benoit (Judges) Thanks for all that you do Janie. In honour of my dad, who died 20 years ago already. I'd be happy to walk with you anytime. CA$215.65
Oct 06 Tyler Steeves In memory of my mom, your mom, and all the other moms who were taken too soon. Thank you for the work you continue to do each day CA$108.31
Sep 25 Patricia Hurley Thank you, Jane, and the Wellwood team for all you do and for supporting our Sherry on her journey. Our family is beyond grateful. 🙏 CA$108.31
Sep 24 Cecelia Carter-Smith Jane - For 25 years x 10! Rock on! CA$250.00
Sep 24 Linda Barrett Thanks for all you do. Jane you inspire me to be a better person CA$54.63
Sep 21 Harshal, Rahima, Kieran, Maya and Kai In memory of Rashida, my beloved and hilarious aunt. You are an incredible leader Jane and Wellwood is so important to our community! CA$269.32