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Help us raise money

For participating in 2025 Sporting Life 10K

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Our Story

We are a group of Campfire Circle volunteers, who get to experience the magic of camp alongside our amazing campers.

One of our traditions at Camp is that when we see a camper doing something nice, challenging or brave we give them a "step in the right direction" — a sticker to add to their braid and a public shout-out for a job well done.

The magic of camp brings much-needed joy to kids and families affected by childhood cancer or serious illness. Through its in-hospital, community and overnight camp programs, Campfire Circle creates opportunities year-round for kids to build friendships and social skills, develop self-confidence and resiliency, and improve their overall wellbeing.

This year, we are challenging ourselves to run, walk and roll a few kilometres in the right direction in support of Campfire Circle. Past and current volunteers are welcome to join our team in fundraising and with all the fun we will have along the way!

Thanks for the day campers!


Help deliver healing through happiness to kids with cancer or serious illness and their families.

For over 40 years Campfire Circle has provided play-based experiences through our in-hospital, community, and overnight camps for kids with cancer or serious illness and their families. We empower kids to take back their childhood, regardless of their medical diagnosis.

Now, more than ever, kids with serious illness and their families need moments of joy, connection, and healing.

When you donate to Campfire Circle you build friendships and social skills, develop self-confidence and resiliency, and improve their overall well-being.

With your support, we can offer our programs at no cost to families and grow our circle of care so that every eligible child can benefit from our innovative and impactful programs.

Thank you for helping to build a world where children thrive and families heal.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.