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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2021 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our story…

Calmer Choice provides social, emotional and mindful awareness programs in schools, in the community and online programs. Our lessons teach people to effectively and safely manage stress and resolve conflict so that they live happy, healthy and successful lives. Cultivating skills through mindful awareness education helps to increase inner resilience, self-awareness, self-regulation, and health and well-being. Our goal is to provide skills that will diminish the risk of violence, substance abuse and other self-destructive behaviors.

Since 2010, the organization has reached over 36,000 people across Cape Cod and Southeastern Massachusetts and has collaborated with researchers from Harvard, MIT, Tufts and Yale Universities proving the efficacy of our programming. 

The funds raised by our charity team will support our programming efforts. This includes our new initiative to provide pre-recorded lessons that teachers can utilize in their virtual and hybrid pandemic teaching as well as support our scholarship fund for adults to participate in our virtual mindfulness courses.

Thank you for supporting our vision of a world where people lead lives of kindness and compassion toward themselves and others!

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Jul 20 28.10 Good Luck! Happy Birthday! $28.10
Jul 20 Giselle D'Agostino Thank you for continuing to support this incredibly important cause! Undisclosed amount
Jul 20 Nicole Fox Happy Birthday Katie! Great organization to represent! $28.10
Jul 20 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Jul 19 Kathy and Michael Kessler So proud of you, Maggie $55.35
Jul 19 Paul & Maureen Heaps Way to go Maggie. $55.35
Jul 18 Will DeVito $11.75
Jul 17 Savannah Miller Good luck Aunt Katie! Happy Birthday! $109.85
Jul 17 Ashley Baker Good luck Katie! Thanks for running for such a great organization. Undisclosed amount
Jul 17 Auntie Ana Molina Run fast and jump higher! $109.85