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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2021 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our story…

Team Marisa’s Mission is thrilled to join the Falmouth Road Race once again this summer! We have 38 runners committed to crossing the finish line AND raising at least $38,000 to help patients and families dealing with the devastating diagnosis of cancer and the financial burdens that accompany it. 

At Marisa’s Mission our goal is to keep the spirit of our namesake, Marisa Federico, alive by providing the amazing people we serve with hope, support, and the means to focus on what matters most: health and family. We do this through grants that help cover costs of treatments and medication, travel and lodging, home care, housing, rent and utility bills, and even special family trips.

Marisa was an avid runner with eternal and inspiring optimism. So we know she’ll be with us on race day helping our team along the course as we run to help those who need it most. Thank you for your support!

 Learn more about Marisa and Marisa’s Mission at

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Aug 14 Meghan BUCKLEY Goodluck Kelly!! I remember your dad dropped me off at my first Falmouth roadrace! He was the best! $28.10
Aug 14 Vasco and Miki Run Auntie Meg Run! We love you and your sunny, generous soul xx $100.00
Aug 14 Paul Rogers $109.85
Aug 14 Cousins $30.50
Aug 14 Anonymous $109.85
Aug 14 Nicole Driscoll $28.10
Aug 14 Driscoll’s You go girl we will be cheering you on form the cotttgae ! $55.35
Aug 13 Donna and Edso Foley Good luck $55.35
Aug 13 Mike and Christine Parker $55.35
Aug 13 Allison, Bill, Olivia, Addy & William Fisher Good luck Sunday!! $55.35