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Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation

Raise money for Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation

Every 68 seconds someone is the U.S. is assaulted, and one out of 6 women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape. We need to step up and advocate for a safer world. 

The mission of the Vanessa T. Marcotte Foundation is to empower women to live boldly and fearlessly, and to reduce objectification and harassment. We advocate for empowerment, safety awareness, and gender equality. We further our mission by providing self-defense training and educational opportunities, and through strategic partnerships to address the root causes of violence.

Vanessa Marcotte was a 27 year-old woman who was killed by an act of violence. She inspires the Foundation's work and her kind, philanthropic, and compassionate spirit continues to influence people of all ages.

Please join our fight.


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Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Aug 17 Mike Shannon $273.35
Aug 17 Lights Out aka Thanas Good luck $50.00
Aug 17 The Canavan Family You are amazing!!!! $55.35
Aug 17 Sarah Kruse Go Leslee!!! $109.85
Aug 17 Daceys $109.85
Aug 17 Rachel Mastone $55.35
Aug 17 Kelly Go Leslee! You got it! $28.10
Aug 17 Paul Cecelya Such an important cause!! Go Tina!! $55.35
Aug 16 Karen Watts You go girl, too! Have a great time with your mom! $105.75
Aug 16 Karen Watts You go girl! $41.35