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Help us raise money

For participating in The 2023 ASICS Falmouth Road Race

Our story…

The mission of Duffy Health Center is to provide equitable, integrated primary health care and support services to persons who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness on Cape Cod, and to improve the quality of life for vulnerable and marginalized populations through community collaborations, leadership, and advocacy.  We envision Cape Cod as a community where all persons have access to quality health care, safe and stable housing, and lives filled with hope and purpose.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
May 11 Pearl Good luck💜 $40.00
May 10 Rachel Trosclair Go Brenna go!! So proud of you doing this every year. $82.60
May 10 Kristen Burke Go Brenna! Love you xox Undisclosed amount
May 10 Greg & Donna Lapsley I know Chris will be right with you His spiritus with you always Love you ♥️♥️ $109.85
May 10 Greg & Donna Lapsley Fly like the Wind.. Chris will be there with you ♥️🏃‍♀️♥️ $109.85
May 10 RJC Building Inc $28.10
May 09 Christine & Derek Johnson Good luck with run! <3 $22.65
May 09 Christine & Derek Johnson Good luck with run! <3 $22.65
May 09 Christine Clinton Woooo!! Run Brenna run. Good luck!! $28.10
Apr 30 Anonymous $55.35