June 1 - September 10, 2024
The Canadian Horse Heritage & Preservation Society invites you to join the fourth CHHAPS Challenge: “100 Hours in 100 Days" virtual event! Equestrians from Canada and the USA are welcome to participate with horses, mules or donkeys of any breed or discipline. Enjoy this dedicated time to strengthen your skills and the partnership with your favorite equine, all while helping an endangered breed.
Hours are accrued through mounted activities, in-harness and in-hand work, lunging, schooling, showing, grooming and even hand-grazing! Maximize your experience by setting a personal goal and engaging with fellow participants.
- Share photos in our Race Roster Gallery.
- Connect with others in our private Facebook group.
- Join a Team, or create one!
Record your hours on this website throughout the Challenge. Final hours and edits must be entered by midnight on September 10, to receive a commemorative pin (pictured below) and to become eligible for awards and prizes.
Register today to support a good cause and enjoy dedicated time with your horse!
- Separate registration required for each horse.
- Junior participants (18 & under) may participate, but a parent or legal guardian must register them for the event.
- Each Adult participant is to register themselves, (not multiple friends). Providing a correct email address during registration gives each participant the best user experience by ensuring you receive a Race Roster event confirmation with log-in link, private Facebook group invite, and future emails.
To see participant results, click HERE.
Proceeds from the Challenge will be shared with two non-profit organizations dedicated to preserving the Canadian Horse - the National Horse of Canada:
1. The Canadian Horse Heritage & Preservation Society, (CHHAPS), generating breed awareness through educational activities, events, breed displays and demos at equine expos and fairs. To learn more about the versatile Canadian Horse: CLICK HERE

Given its critically endangered status, every Canadian Horse should, whenever possible, be given an opportunity to find a forever home. Horses that have health issues or are aged can still be great ambassadors for the breed, introducing more people to the wonderful traits of these majestic horses and raising awareness about the plight of the breed. Horses that are younger and healthy might be potential breeding stock, thereby contributing to desperately needed numbers.
To learn about the Canadian Horse Rescue & Rehoming Society, click here.
More than just time in the saddle! You also earn qualifying time doing activities focused on your horse’s care and training. After all, we strengthen the relationship with our horses through both mounted and un-mounted activities!
Hours to include:
- Mounted Activities: general schooling, trail riding, lessons, showing, and riding in clinics or demos.
- Driving: in-harness work (single or multiple)
- Lunging, long-lining, ground-driving.
- Ranch or farm work: logging, skidding, plowing, harrowing, working cows.
- Ground work, liberty work, trick training.
- In-hand work, (i.e., hand walking, versatility/obstacles training).
- Equine Assisted Learning or therapeutic riding activities you and your horse provide.
- Grooming, bathing, braiding mane, tacking/un-tacking.
- Providing general healthcare, (i.e., cold-hosing a leg, soaking a hoof, or changing bandages is all part of being a good steward).
- Trailering your horse to shows, clinics or other public events, (measured in travel time). Public events provide a great opportunity for people to meet an endangered breed! Getting them there safely is part of being a good steward who is focused on your horse's well-being and care.
Hours NOT to include:
- General Barn Chores: feeding, mucking stalls, cleaning paddocks, mending fences, cleaning tack, etc.
- Work with your horse NOT performed by the registered participant, (i.e., trainer schooling or showing your horse).
- Time at horse shows when the horse is resting between classes.
- Horse receiving services from a veterinarian, equine dentist, chiropractor or other professional.
- Horse being shod (unless participant is personally shoeing or trimming their horse).
- Ponying a second horse: If you are participating with two horses, give your full focus to one at a time. You may count hours for the horse you are riding, but cannot simultaneously claim the same time for a horse being ponied.
- Having your horse transported by a professional shipper.
Examples of activity descriptions and hours:
- Groom, riding lesson, short hack afterwards = 1 hour, 30 min
- Groom/braid, 1-hr trailering to/from show, warm-up & 3 classes = 2 hours, 45 min
Check your Participant Guide for full details. Hours do NOT need to be earned on consecutive days.
Participants are advised to wear helmets whenever mounted or driving.
Earn recognition for completing the CHHAPS Challenge! Keep track of your hours throughout the 100 days using the complimentary Hours Tracker. This form provides you with a record of your training activity and is easy to keep handy at the barn. Download your copy from the CHHAPS website or from our private Facebook group.
Enter your hours into Race Roster to qualify. Final update must be made by 11:59PM PDT on 9/10/24.
Commemorative Pin - Mailed to each participant who completes 100 Hours in 100 Days!
Prizes - Back by popular demand! Periodic drawings to motivate your journey and celebrate your success!
Medals - Recognizing special achievements! (Rider must complete the challenge with the same horse listed in their registration).
- High Achievers - Honoring participants with the highest number of hours*. Three medals per division to be awarded based on Handler's age: Juniors (age 18 and under), Adults (age 19-54), and Masters (age 55+).
Canadian Horse Division - Registered Canadian Horses.
Endangered Breed Division - (Non-Canadian horses) Endangered-breed Equines recognized by the Heritage Livestock Canada, Livestock Conservancy or the Equus Survival Trust conservation lists.
Open Breed Division - Non-endangered breed horses, mules or donkeys. Equine does not need to be registered. Includes part-bred and un-registered Canadian horses.
- Sensational Seniors - Eldest Horse & Handler (combined verified age).
- Rising Stars - Youngest Horse & Handler (combined verified age).
- Journalism Award - Best submission under 500 words. Tell us about your experience! Did you overcome a challenge? Have a unique experience with your horse? Accomplish a goal? (top picks to be featured in future CHHAPS newsletters and participant emails).
Team Award - Certificates awarded to each member of the team with the most participants who complete the CHHAPS Challenge.
Centennial Award - Certificate awarded to each Horse & Handler pair with a combined age of 100 or more.
Personal Accomplishment - spending dedicated, quality time with your horse - Priceless!
*High Achiever Medal Eligibility – All eligible High Achievers are required to submit a completed Hours Tracker as proof of completion to the Challenge Coordinator (challenge@chhaps.ca) by September 15. In the event of a tie, the winner would be the handler who demonstrates best stewardship, balancing training and care for their equine.
Don’t get disqualified! Submitted Hours Trackers are reviewed before awards are announced. Check your Race Roster entries at the end of each month for typos and duplicate entries.
Acceptable Examples of activity descriptions and hours:
- Groom, trail ride, bathed horse afterwards = 1 hour, 30 min
- Soaked a hoof due to abscess, brushed horse, combed mane & tail = 30 min
- Groom/braid, 1-hr trailering to/from show, warm-up & 3 classes = 2 hours, 50 min
Unacceptable Examples of activity descriptions and hours:
- Health check, grain & groom = 3 hours. (Feeding is a barn chore and does NOT count. While it's good to check your horse's health, 3 hours can be viewed as claiming excessive time and may result in loss of medal eligibility, especially if stated on multiple dates).
- Cleaned paddocks and fixed fences = 2 hours. (Barn chores do NOT count).
Any participant who records what appears to be excessive hours for a given day, or series of days, may be contacted by the event organizers, (perhaps there was an error in entering hours that needs editing before Sept 10). Repeated logging of excessive hours, counting non-qualifying activities, or failure to delete duplicate entries may result in medal disqualification.
Enjoy the CHHAPS Challenge with fellow horse lovers! When you click the blue REGISTER button, registration will ask, "Add registrant to a team?" Choose from the following options:
- No, do not add the registrant to a team. (individual participation)
- Yes, create a new team and add the registrant.
- Yes, add this registrant to a team created by someone else.
Find an Existing Team: Click the 3rd option listed above. "Select Team" will appear with a drop-down menu. Choose the team in the drop-down list that represents an organization you're a member of, or if you're participating as a friend of a member.
Create a team for your Equine Organization, Group or Stable: Click the 2nd option and follow the data prompts. The creator of a new team automatically becomes the Team Captain. Your team will appear in the drop down list of option 3 for future registrants and under VIEW TEAMS.
Team Captains may choose to award additional prizes to their team members. Get creative and add some fun!
For example: A trainer who has created a team for her stable, could donate a lesson to the team member with the most hours. (Additional team awards are at the discretion and expense of the individual teams).
Can I join a team after registration closes? NO. The option to join or change teams closes May 27, at midnight. Teams need a minimum of 2 participants. Any participant on a team as the only member, is advised to change teams by May 27.
Want to check out the available teams before you register? Click View Teams. You may register for an existing team by finding your desired team name and clicking JOIN TEAM. Registration will automatically identify you as a member of the selected team.
TEAM AWARD - certificates awarded to each member of the team with the most participants who complete the CHHAPS Challenge!
Here's what past participants had to say about their journey for 100 Hours in 100 Days:
- "This is a marvelous opportunity for the casual rider to join a challenge that is easy to do, encourages participation and is really GOOD for both horse and rider"!! ~2022 Challenge survey feedback
- "My daughter and her horse really enjoyed the challenge. As a parent, watching the bond grow was amazing. Thank you"! ~K.M.
- "Yes!! This was a great focus for summer activity -- and good to "meet" so many other Canadian Horse people and see the variety of activities". ~K.P.
- "Well, we didn't quite make the 100 hours, but I really enjoyed the challenge! I definitely strengthened my relationship with my girl. Thank you CHHAPS for putting this event together. I enjoyed seeing everyone's posts, photos and progress". ~B.K.
- "Wow, what an adventure this has been. I hope that this group continues and the folks keep sharing their activities. During this challenge I have learned so much. [My horse] and I have clearer communication with each other and deeper trust..." ~D.G.
- "We may have not made 100, but I feel like this was a big win for my newly acquired three year old and myself. We have both come so far and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. Connecting with so many people was fabulous and I hope there is another challenge soon". ~D.L.
SOCIALS - Connect with CHHAPS and our Platinum/Gold Sponsors on Facebook
Click the organization's name and follow them on Facebook:
(listed alphabetically)
Supported Non-profit Organizations -
Canadian Horse Heritage & Preservation Society
Canadian Horse Rescue & Rehoming Society
Platinum Sponsors -
Canadian Horse Breeders Association | Equilab Premium | Working Equitation Simplified
Gold Sponsors -
Between Our Ears | Equus Survival Trust | Heritage Livestock Canada | Leveza Equestrian | The Livestock Conservancy | New England Saddle Fit | The Saddle Fit Academy | SunRise Canadians
Thank you to ALL of our valued Sponsors!
Event schedule
- Sat, June 1, 2024 12:00 AM - Challenge Begins!
- Sat, June 8, 2024 9:00 AM - Kick-off Drawing, (12pm EST)
- Mon, July 1, 2024 1:00 PM - Raffle - Milestone 1, (4pm Eastern)
- Thu, August 1, 2024 5:00 PM - Raffle - Milestone 2, (8pm Eastern)
- Sun, September 1, 2024 9:00 AM - Raffle - Milestone 3, (12pm Eastern)
- Tue, September 10, 2024 11:59 PM - Challenge Ends!
- Sun, September 15, 2024 11:59 PM - High Achievers - Deadline to submit Hours Tracker
- Wed, October 16, 2024 1:00 PM - Finishers Raffle, (4pm Eastern)
Contact information
- Event contact
- Challenge Coordinator
- Challenge@CHHAPS.ca
- Website
- Visit website