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West Suburban Humane Society

Raise money for West Suburban Humane Society

The West Suburban Humane Society (WSHS) is a volunteer-based, animal welfare organization that was founded in 1972 as a lost-and-found referral service. Now, we operate at full capacity at all times, providing care and housing for up to 25 dogs and 60 cats in our facilities, and even more animals in our foster homes.

We are able to provide this care with the help of two full-time and eight part-time employees and numerous volunteers.

Our facility is open to the public six days a week.

We continue to reunite lost animals and their owners by maintaining a database with information on over 33,000 pets and their owners, and by providing free pet identification tags to all pet owners.


Click on a team below to make a donation.


Click on an individual below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Recent donors
Date Name Amount
Sep 21 Pam Romig Good luck Deb!! Great cause..❤️ $27.48
Sep 21 David and Jen Howat We love all the Thygesens including those with paws. $107.35
Sep 21 Anonymous To loving all animals 🙏🏻 $54.10
Sep 21 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 21 Mary Ha DDSPC $50.00
Sep 21 Michael and Mary Dickter Happy Barkapalooza, Heidi! I appreciate all you do for West Suburban and hope you reach your fundraising goal. $267.10
Sep 21 Char $107.35
Sep 21 Anonymous Undisclosed amount
Sep 21 John and Marilyn Gillham $100.00
Sep 21 Paul Lisnek This year, my pledge is in memory of my beloved mini schnauzer Matthew who fought valiantly against cancer. I will miss him forever. $75.00