Mon histoire…
Running has taken me in, and continues to comfort, heal and challenge me in all kinds of magical ways.
I run because it truly is a refuge to the day-to-day grind. I love that feeling of wondering if I can go a little further. And then, discovering that I can. But my top reason why I run, is because I looooove to eat. :)
That being said, I am running my very first HALF MARATHON for the Figher Fighter's fondation.
To encourage me, and give more meaning to my strides, any contribution whether small or big would make a huge difference.
By collecting donations, I will obtain a "rank" which will be added to my firefighters' run medal.
Lieutenant $75
Captain $150
Operations Manager $250
Division manager $300
Assistant Director $400
Director $500
The Fondation des pompiers du Québec pour les grands brûlés, the only foundation dedicated to raising funds for burn victims in Quebec.
Proceeds from the event will help finance the purchase of specialized equipment, research, the direct assistance fund for victims and their families, and a summer camp for severely burned children.
I thank you in advance for all your love and support.
Merci de nous aider à accomplir notre mission!
Le programme des grades permet d'amasser des dons au profit de la Fondation des pompiers du Québec pour les grands brûlés (FPQGB).
En amassant des dons, j'obtiendrai un grade qui sera ajouté à ma médaille de la Course des pompiers de Laval.
Les grades situent les pompiers dans la structure hiérarchique de l’organisation. Le grade remis au participant sera la dernier niveau atteint.
Donateurs récents
Date du don | Nom du donateur | Montant du don |
Apr 26 | Dominic Jipos | 108,45 $ |
Apr 26 | Jessica-Anne Jalea | 54,71 $ |
Apr 25 | Anonyme | 54,71 $ |