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Help us raise money

For participating in Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon Virtual Race 2020


A rich cultural life, in its varied forms, enhances the health and lives of our residents. Social isolation is 

unfortunately very common for seniors. Together with our residents, we co-create an enlivened and 

rich social and cultural life to combat the isolation that some encounter due to physical or emotional 

challenges or even financial constraints. Your donation will fund the costs associated with organizing a 

series of social and cultural activities throughout the year.

Team members

Click on one of our team members below to make a donation.

Recent donors

Donation date Donor name Donation amount
Oct 19 Irene Mantel How wonderful, Renate! Sending much love! Undisclosed amount
Oct 19 Susan Digby Thank You Dear Renate, for all the magic and hard work you have brought to Hesperus and The Toronto Waldorf School. Undisclosed amount
Oct 19 Nadja (Gold) and Ted Hall How exciting Renate! Thank you for your wonderful offering. I’ll keep you in my thoughts each day while I run through the mountain trails. ❤️ $200.00
Oct 19 Melissa Tennant Will $25.00
Oct 18 Arlene Thorn Dear Renate; You are amazing and an inspiration to all of us!!! Sending love, Arlene $250.00
Oct 18 Catherine Daugherty Dear Renate. It was such a pleasure seeing you yesterday. Thanks for all that you do in support of Hesperus. $100.00
Oct 18 Sabine and Ingo Huesing That's the spirit! $50.00
Oct 18 Helga Rudolph Way to go! $50.00
Oct 18 The J. W. Lowe family Good luck. A worthy cause. $50.00
Oct 18 Sandra Widmer Blessings on your walk! Undisclosed amount