As virtual events continue to rise in popularity, our virtual event toolkit continues to advance. You can now host virtual team relay events using the ASICS Runkeeper™ app and our new team-based result features! Display detailed team results including rankings by team, rankings by leg, custom filters, team finisher certificates, and team result maps for a memorable virtual relay experience.
With our NEW virtual relay tools, you can accomplish the following:
Automatic connections between a specific participant and a leg segment
Create team specific registration questions
When creating or editing a team on your event organizer dashboard, you can set-up a team specific question to collect which segment each participant plans to complete. This can be accomplished by selecting “multiple choice” as your question type, and then “segments” to automatically include each segment as a choice to your question.

Enable relay race
Segments can be quickly set up on your results dashboard within the settings of a race. You will first need to set the result type of your race to ‘virtual’. Once this has been completed, set the race type to ‘Runkeeper™ app enabled’. Next, simply check the ‘Relay race’ checkbox.
Now, when a participant registers and selects their segment of choice, they will automatically be added as the participant for the corresponding segment. Our system will ensure that once a segment has been chosen, another participant will not be able to select the same segment.

Team members can also be edited through your event organizer dashboard, where you can manually change their assigned leg segment.
Automatic result submissions with the ASICS Runkeeper™ app
The ASICS Runkeeper™ app eliminates the need for manual result submissions. Since participants selected their segment/distance during registration, the ASICS Runkeeper™ app will automatically post a participant’s result to their team in the correct segment upon completing their segment. Their segment time will contribute to the cumulative team time.

You may still accept manual results if you wish, however, if you’d like to ensure that all results are tracked and verified by the ASICS Runkeeper™ app, you can enable ‘Only allow submissions through the ASICS Runkeeper™ app’ in your settings.
Apple Watch, Garmin Watch, or Fitbit submissions via the Runkeeper™ app
Visit our knowledge base article on how to use the ASICS Runkeeper™ app to post results on Race Roster while using an Apple Watch, Garmin Watch, or Fitbit
Display detailed team results on your custom branded results page
You can now display team results on a leaderboard, allowing participants to view a clear visual breakdown of each team’s completed leg segments. The team relay leaderboard displays ranking by team and ranking by leg, allowing each participant to deep-dive into how they placed individually, as well as overall as a group.
Participants can also view a team result map, showcasing their team’s combined leg segments. Additionally, relay team participants can now download a team finisher certificate. There’s no better way to celebrate as a team than by sharing their overall team result and each team member’s name and leg time with their friends and family!

Add custom filter options to event leaderboard results
“Which team ran the fastest overall” isn’t always the only result that participants care about! It can be exciting to see how your team compared against others when other factors are taken into consideration. With this release, we have introduced the ability for participants to see how their team placed based on country, division, category, status, within a specific company, and more! The filter options that your participants are presented with depend on the data you collect during event registration, so be sure to think ahead and ask the right questions. If that ship has sailed, you can alternatively add questions later and encourage your participants to answer them via their participant dashboard.

Ready to host a virtual relay event?
We’re here to help! Feel free to contact us at or visit our knowledge base article on how to set up virtual team relays.