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We have been working diligently over the past year to create tools and features to enhance your experience. Let’s revisit 18 of our most significant features and accomplishments in 2018!

1. re-design

We transitioned into a new look and created a style guide that supports our mission to solve event organizer problems. In addition to the new site, we launched two new educational web pages (releases and what’s new?) so you can stay up-to-date with new features and enhancements in the platform.

2. Event creation and duplication

We streamlined the event creation process so you can calibrate important features and take your event live in minutes. Duplicating a past event is just as easy.

3. Block pricing

We added block pricing to our existing pricing strategies. Block pricing allows you to tier your pricing based on event demand rather than a specific date and time. Prices jump automatically when the predetermined threshold is meet. Create urgency and increase numbers!

4. Email campaign enhancements

  • In addition to our existing drip campaigns you can now email people who registered prior to you setting up your campaign. We’ve also added templated emails, new triggers, and more merge tag options. Other highlights include:
  • Recipient campaign list: This allows you to review recipients of a specific campaign. This tool includes a ‘resend’ button, a filterable report, and the ability to view the status of emails (sent, bounced, etc.)
  • Campaign send test option: This gives you an opportunity to send a test email to an email address of your choice, previewing before completing the campaign setup
  • Delay send campaigns have extended and you can now delay sending an email by up to 1 year
  • A campaign ‘reply to’ field has been added so that an email can be ‘sent’ from a specific email, with responses directed to another

5. Charity event coordinator & fundraising enhancements

As a charity event coordinator, you now have access to all of your respective charities in one spot. Check-out your event’s Fundraising Leaderboards to see who your top fundraisers, teams, and donors are. We now have mandatory preferred charity selection during registration. This makes selecting at least one preferred fundraising organization required. Your access also includes:

  • Specific donor and pledge reports
  • Adding/editing manual donations
  • Access to charity receipts (if applicable)
  • Customized branding to pledge and donation pages

6. Participant data self-edits

Have your participants registered already and need to join a team? No problem! Participants can now jump on their dashboard and easily join all by themselves. On top of that, participants can also add free items to their registration if they did not select any during registration.

7. Validating registration questions

Trying to ensure that registrants follow the proper response format? Our registration question validation allows you to customize how you would like registrants to respond to your questions. For example, if you need estimated finish time in HH:MM:SS format, participants will be prompted to put in the responses correctly.

8. Mobile friendly menu / time-saving quick links

We revamped our mobile registration menu to include a mobile-friendly menu that allows for quick links to “fundraise”, “transfer”, “gifting”, “volunteer”, and other actions depending on the event configurations.

We are still continuing our journey to ensure all pages on our dashboard are mobile-friendly. Here is a list of all our updated pages:

  • Editable Data
  • Fundraiser List
  • Manually add donations
  • Manual donation report
  • Social media and analytics
  • USAT configuration

9. Enhanced Products tool

Our Products tool was completely redesigned.

We introduced a new product creation flow when creating complementary and purchasable items. You can configure free, purchasable, or free plus purchase options with inventory limits and sub-event restrictions.

A couple of new features embedded in the new product flow were:

  • Hide and delete a product
  • Make ‘free’ items optional
  • Ability to reorder items and options

10. Bib assignments can be automatically assigned

To expand our bib assignment configurations, event organizers are now able to turn on automated bib assignment from the bib assignment page. With this tool, participants will be assigned their bib number as they register and will have the record show up on their confirmation receipt.

11. Upgrades to registration experience

The registration process was revamped! We realize how important user experience is to your participants and made changes for a more user friendly form. Before check-out, a participant can go back and adjust their registration without starting over. If one does not meet requirements when joining a team they will be directed to go back and edit. If they leave their device during registration and continue it later on, they will be prompted to continue their previous registration. We have also improved the accessibility of the form.

12. Enhanced Onsite App

Since the registration process received a makeover we decided to give the Onsite App one as well. We have a new check-in process that will make packet pick-up easier for your volunteers and quicker for your participants. Check-in and assign multiple bibs at once under one transaction for a more efficient process. Edit a participant’s information with ease with the pop-up modal and indicate who picked up their bib. Our Onsite Kiosk is now branded with your colour schemes and banner allowing for a more personalized experience.

13. “Tracking only” with the social referral tool

Our “Tracking only” option allows you to create your own incentives for social referrals… This is for tracking only, there is no social referral commission associated. When selected you can track how many registrants registered through a promoter link.

14. Countdown clock

Build up anticipation with our countdown clocks. We have released feature where you can add a countdown clock to your Event Details Page. You have the option to have up to three countdown clocks (registration open date, registration close date, days till the event).

15. Thank you page settings

This new add-on allows you to compose and customize your event’s thank you page. You have the ability to add/edit text, images, videos, links, and any other customization.

16. New login landing page

We updated your home page. As an Event Organizer, you have the capability to view all of your events, create an event, view major product releases, read up on the latest articles, have easy access to our Knowledge Base, set-up quick links, and more, all one page!

“What are quick links?” you might ask. Quick links give you the ability to save links to your favourite pages and access them from your dashboard homepage. If there’s one page you always find yourself navigating to each time you log in, save it under quick links to get there in 1 click!

17. API endpoints now available

Race Roster has made an abundance of API Endpoints available by request. These endpoints can spruce up you website and real-time statistics to your site. Add a rising thermometer on your website to show how much money your charity has raised. The following endpoints are:

  • Gross revenue
  • Total donation amount raised overall
  • Total raised by charities
  • Number of fundraisers
  • Participant count
  • Number of teams that have fundraised
  • Fundraising leaderboard for individuals and teams
  • Participant list
  • Results
  • Manually add participants from an external software
  • Charity logo
  • Link to the charity page

18. Race Roster wins Deloitte’s Fast 50 award

We are so proud of our team and are deeply honoured to have witnessed our vision of improving the endurance event industry come to life. Our team continues to grow each year and we grow in more ways than just numbers.

“2018 marked Race Roster’s seventh birthday. In dog years, that’s 49, and in tech years, it seems like it’s even more. From a site re-design to making the Deloitte Fast50 list, we’ve had an incredible year and we want to say thanks to our customers! Also, thank you to all of my new and old friends in the industry. We spend many days/nights/weekends on the road, and I am thankful to all of you for making our trips together memorable and enjoyable.”
– Alex Vander Hoeven, CEO, Race Roster

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Alex Vander Hoeven

After 5 years as a Consultant at Deloitte, Alex shifted gears to help guide Race Roster’s vision and growth. He is a fledgling runner & cyclist and is energized by the community around endurance events. Alex is a passionate advocate for event organizers at Race Roster and ensuring everything exceeds your expectations.