Ebook: On-site app set up text with screenshot

Our On-Site App Set Up Ebook is the first in a series of planned Ebook releases in the coming months.

Event Day is just around the corner. Since you missed out on 20 last minute registrations in 2014 it’s time to take Event Day into the current century. Race Roster’s on-site app can process credit card transactions and accept online donations using a tablet or laptop. You can add as many devices as you want and oversee all transactions with a Manager Device.

Before all that happens you’ll need to configure the app to your particular needs. This guide will walk you through the process step by step. Click on the photo below, and you’ll be taken to the download page.



Race Roster

At our core, we are event organizers and athletes serving event organizers and athletes. Race Roster was founded by a group of friends with combined interests in running, technology, and event management. After organizing their own 10K in 2010, it was very apparent that the running industry was in dire need of better technology. Since May of 2012, Race Roster has partnered with over 4,000 organizers to grow, manage and execute on race day!