Here at Race Roster, we are constantly adding new features to the system. We understand you may not use every feature we offer, which is why we’ve been working on a solution to help you find the ones that matter to your event more easily. We’re excited to announce an upcoming change to the event organizer menu, which is located on the left-hand side of the dashboard. To simplify your event workflow on Race Roster, we will be implementing a new menu design that is more organized, easy to navigate, and specifically tailored to the unique needs of your event. This menu will give you immediate access to the tools that are integral to your success. Listed below are some of the powerful features you can look forward to utilizing in the near future!

Search bar

With the new responsive search bar, finding the setting or add-on you need is incredibly simple. Located in the event organizer menu, this powerful tool responds with search results in real time. When you begin typing, all applicable add-ons will be displayed. For example, if you type in the letter “p”, products will show up as an option.

Organized by design

Organization is key to any kind of success. That is exactly what we kept in mind when creating the design for the new event organizer menu. Everything is clearly laid out and the features you use are sorted into specific categories. This allows you to access and utilize everything the event organizer menu has to offer with ease.

Add-ons tailored to your needs

Race Roster offers many innovative add-on features to ensure the success of your event. Your new event organizer menu will only show the add-ons you have chosen to enable, as well as a few key recommended settings you may benefit from. These settings will be accompanied by an ‘add’ button, allowing you to automatically enable that feature and go directly into managing that setting. These refinements will make it much easier to quickly navigate to the features you care about the most.

Discover features

All the add-ons that have not been enabled can be found on the settings overview page. You’ll be able to visit this page at any time to browse our robust feature selection, and who knows, maybe you’ll discover something new to help your event succeed!

The upcoming redesign of the event organizer menu will save you time and help you manage your event more efficiently. With the countless features Race Roster regularly adds to the system, we knew it was time for a change. We’re excited to give you a streamlined experience in managing your event and we look forward to hearing how these upcoming changes will help you!


Race Roster

At our core, we are event organizers and athletes serving event organizers and athletes. Race Roster was founded by a group of friends with combined interests in running, technology, and event management. After organizing their own 10K in 2010, it was very apparent that the running industry was in dire need of better technology. Since May of 2012, Race Roster has partnered with over 4,000 organizers to grow, manage and execute on race day!