Corporate teams and large groups are always looking for great team building events to participate in. By selling bulk registration codes to these groups in advance, you can bring in some new revenue, increase exposure, and simplify the management of teams and corporate entries.
Read on to learn more benefits of this handy feature.
What are registration codes?
Registration codes are used by large groups to make it easy for members of their organization to register for an event. These codes can cover the full cost or a portion of a registration, allowing the recipient to redeem their registration code for the predetermined amount.
Choose the amount you pay for
Individuals purchasing bulk registration codes have full flexibility over how much of the registration amount they’d like to cover. For example, perhaps Mike the team captain wants to purchase registration codes for 12 of his staff members, but he would only like to cover 50% of the cost. Mike sets the quantity of his purchase to 12 registration codes, checks “subsidize a portion of the gift cost”, and enters in “50%”. Once Mike completes his purchase, he receives an email with clear instructions on how to easily share these codes with his teammates, allowing them to enjoy 50% off of their event registration!

Pay now OR pay later
Registration code buyers can choose to pay at the time of purchase, or choose to pay later by invoice or cheque. If they select the option to pay later, an invoice will automatically be created for the event organizer to send out to the buyer.

Choose your code option
Individuals purchasing bulk registration codes can choose how their codes are generated using one of the following options:
- Receive one code that can be used for each participant. This option keeps the process simple and you can quickly give out the code to your entire group. OR,
- Receive unique codes for each participant, allowing you to distribute different codes as a gift to members of your group/team.

Pre-purchased registration codes are a great way to organize your large group or corporate team of registrants and make a kind gesture at the same time!
As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to resource us.