Forwarding Your Domain Name

Let’s face it, not every road race has thousands of dollars to dish out on a fancy website, and not every race director is tech savvy enough to manage it!
Let Race Roster save you thousands of dollars and millions of grey hairs! Our event details page has been designed to provide every road race with the functionality they need without spending a dime.
Visitors to your Race Roster page can…
- Register for a race
- Sign up to volunteer
- Make an outright donation to a charity partner
- Pledge a specific athlete
- View a Teams List
- View last year’s results
- Confirm their registration
- View important Race Details (schedule, location, course map, etc.)
Solution: Purchase your desired race domain name (ie. from an Internet domain registrar like and forward that address to your Race Roster event details page.
What does this mean? Every time someone goes to they will automatically be forwarded to your Race Roster page:
Cost: Ranges between $5-$20 for 2 years of domain use.
Level of Difficulty: Very easy to purchase and forward. Simply follow the instructions by clicking here.